Pil Pil Recipe

Direct from the Chef at La Sala

The team at La Sala have decided to spoil you all by revealing the secret ingredients, behind some of their most famous signature dishes.



La Sala’s Classic Pil Pil Prawns

12 tiger prawns
5 tbsp olive oil
2 fresh chillies
3 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp smoked paprika
4 tbsp white wine
2 tbsp chopped parsley

(Serves 1 person)

Firstly, peel and deep clean the prawns using a toothpick, then thinly slice the garlic cloves and fresh chillies.

Using either a clay pot or frying pan, add the olive oil, chilli and garlic and brown until golden. Add the prawns and cook a little before stirring in the smoked paprika. Make sure that the paprika does not burn as this creates a bad taste.

Pour in the white wine and then set fire to the pan to burn off the alcohol. Finally add the chopped parsley to garnish.

The secret to great Pil Pil is making sure it reaches the table piping hot and bubbling. Now dip in some fresh bread and enjoy!

We look forward to seeing you all again soon!

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